Social Media for group buying
Connect with others
Bigger orders - better prices

Buyers connect, sellers sell more, everyone wins

What is this place?
  • ShopperCrowd is a new place for people to come together and combine their purchasing power
  • It is also a Social Media! Follow, post, like, comment!
  • Post to multiple Social Media platforms at the same time! See below
  • Join orders and add your buying power
  • Save money together!
What is group buying?
  • When you need to buy stuff
  • When others need to buy similar stuff
  • All of you buy together from the same place
  • You get stuff cheaper because its a bigger order!
  • Sellers are happy because they sell a lot of stuff
Group buying is easy with ShopperCrowd
  • Combine and leverage your purchasing power with others
  • Enjoy the same group buying benefits as big enterprises do
Can I see an example?
  • I make hats for $10 and sells for $12
  • You want to buy one hat? $12 best price
  • You want 100 hats? I'll sell for $11!
  • You only need 25 hats, Joe needs 25, Sally needs 50
  • Together you need 100 - you pay $11 for each hat!
    Not $12!
  • Seller sells 100 hats in one order!
Free to join and use
  • Enjoy shopperCrowd for free
  • Create an account
  • browse orders and other people's pages
  • Follow and buy together
Beta, Beta, Beta!
  • We are new - let us know how we can make things better
  • Let us know if something doesn't work right
  • We will fix things as soon as you tell us!
ShopperCrowd Connect

With ShopperCrowd Connect you can send a post to your ShopperCrowd Feed and at the same time send that post to your other Social Media accounts like Twitter.

ShopperCrowd Marketplace
ShopperCrowd Marketplace Feed is a social media feed just like you are used to; made up of posts.

However, posts in the Marketplace Feed are actual orders for goods and services. People can join, add to orders, leave orders, bid on orders, and close deals!

Simple in practice, but powerful in action.
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